It is off into the wild!

Two days ago, on Wednesday, July 10, 2019, the book I have been deliberating over for the past 4 years finally became a reality for more than just me!  oPeration fiLL tHe worLd witH Positivity – A Rope (of Hope and Guidance) sold 9 copies at my first book signing event, on the day of its official release (plus 25 copies to my mom for gifts 🙂 ).  It can now be bought and read by anyone and everyone, so if you’ve been waiting for this day excitedly, now is the time to click on over and get the book I’ve been talking so much about!

You can find the book for sale here:

And you can find a peak into the book here, if you want to see what it’s all about before buying:

Next up for me is a book release party in my hometown of Orlando, Florida, where I already have tons of friends and family planning to attend.  I couldn’t be more thrilled!

-Aaron J Kaplan

Countdown to print book release: 1 day!!

With only one day until the official release date for the print version of oPeration fiLL tHe worLd witH Positivity – A Rope (of Hope and Guidance), I decided to make a blog post! I have been looking forward to this moment for as long as I have been writing poetry (over 10 years), and, specifically for this book, I have been deliberating over its creation and editing process for about 4 years! Talk about patience!

The book was written over an 8-month span of time during which I would write anywhere from 1 to 4 poems a day whenever I felt inspired, and all poems were written in a row, to be edited later. Eventually, once all poems were written and loosely edited, the book entered its grueling editing process that I put it through. Being that the content is comprised of poetry, and poetry only, I decided that I did not want to hire a professional editor- I did not want someone to critique my poetry and make me doubt my disposition. So I edited the book myself, and, after about 500 times (literally) of going through the entire book, I have something that I am confident would hold up to anything professionally done by a team.

I sought and paid for artwork from a professional artist, and I did tons of research on how to properly format a book.

I studied how to self-publish a book and how to market a book.

The process was painstakingly drawn out and I was quite thorough in most aspects, including all aspects of the book’s creation. I am glad to say the time to present it to the public and sell it to the masses has finally almost come… just one more day of sitting at the edge of my seat!

I have a little release schedule organized, including a book signing at a busy store local to where I just moved from that carries books and gifts, and a party in my hometown. Both events are getting a good bit of attention, and I am hoping to make them a success with all of my accumulated knowledge gained from research on how to make a book launch a success. I just moved to a nearby city, and will be seeking a bookstore here to carry the book. I will also begin searching for bookstores in the greater region around where I have moved to.

I hope you all will indulge in my book’s pages and celebrate this moment with me! As of tomorrow, the purchasing link will go up on my publishing website, at

Let Peace and Love for Happiness guide you, and remember to stay as positive as you can! My book should help with that 😉

Been recording/producing some new rap songs

So I’ve been away from my blogging for a bit, after my nearly month-long stint of daily posting, and in my nearly a month away since, I’ve found a new healthy practice: an app called RapChat where there are pre-produced beats to record vocals over and share on the app and elsewhere. I’ve produced 7 songs already, and am working on 3 collaborations, which will hopefully be done soon! It’s such a healthy practice for me to get out some emotions and to further understand some of the things I have gone through in the past, and how I feel about things now.

If you’d like to hear the music, I’ve been uploading the songs to the PL4H Creations youtube channel onto a playlist. Visit this following link to find the playlist, and don’t forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell for more PL4H Creations content as it comes out:

And come back and leave a comment on this blog post as to how you liked the music if you did! I’d love to hear from ya’ll..

-Aaron J Kaplan

Writing new music and producing the old!

Happiness Factory Demos is a series of demo albums by me, Aaron J Kaplan, which are scheduled to be released, one at a time, starting as soon as they are produced.  We will be beginning production very soon of the first album, which is roughly 8 songs and 20-25 minutes long, featuring acoustic guitarwork and singing.  It was written at various times over the past year or so, after I decided to ditch or re-work all previously written songs not focused on positivity.  The songs have evolved over time and have been performed at local open mics and extensively on the 2018 season of the PL4H Creations Live Online Show, entitled Singin Songs Rhymin Rhymes and Speakin Speaks.

I halted the writing and practicing of my music just before visiting India for a month at the end of 2018 for a wedding, and just decided to pick it back up a week or so ago.  With the added clarity of having taken a break from my focus on the first 8 or so songs, I have been able to start writing some really cool stuff for Happiness Factory Demos Album 2.

If you enjoy acoustic folk music or anything positive, I think you’ll really enjoy Happiness Factory Demos.  Follow this blog for more on the album, and follow our art blog, breakawayfromsorrow, for album teasers once we have begun the production process.

Peace and Love for Happiness!

Some of the things we’re saving our profit towards

As a company, we have many goals that transcend business goals.  First off, the monetary goals of our company’s existence are not primarily to make money for its founders and shareholders, but to make money to spread throughout the world where it might be needed most and used best.  This ties in with the higher goals of our company, which is to spread peace and love for happiness throughout the world to as great a degree as possible.  This all being said, we have strict plans to follow as for how to spend our business profits, after business expenses are subtracted.  We have a general savings account for profits from PL4H Creations efforts, which is not to be touched but in increments of one million dollars- for each million made, we have broken down beforehand how that million will be spent.  These are some of the things we are saving towards:

Lobby: A University/City aimed at showcasing what society is capable of if lived under the best structuring possible, given that it is coming from where we are today.  The goal is to show the good that is possible for the future in the U.S. and abroad, as long as proper guidelines are followed in structuring society.

Happiness Factory by PL4H Creations: A social business focusing on efforts to raise poor communities out of poverty by offering beneficial activity to the population in the form of these skyscrapers, which will house all sorts of businesses which are meant to not only sustain the overall business of the Happiness Factory, but to also offer sustenance to the lives of the poor.  Basically, imagine walking in to a huge building where the poor and rich are treated equally, are given equal opportunity, and can advance their lives regardless of monetary input or skill level upon entry.  Housing will be available, food will be available, classes will be available, counseling will be available, and more, and all of it will be open to whoever signs up first, with a rotating schedule of participants and graduation into beneficial roles in their community when they are ready.  All money made will go back into the business, to be split between upkeep of each particular skyscraper, and the building of new ones in other areas.

Art Monastery(s): Literal monasteries throughout the world that are focused on art rather than religion.  A place where artists can focus solely on the creation of their art, with a supportive community within each monastery, and encouragement to create positive works.

Reforestation Efforts

Hunger Relief Efforts

Poverty Relief Efforts

Building up poor communities: Donation of money and resources to a poor community inside the U.S., with guidance and assistance in their building up of their own community.  Eventually, pay for their trips to poorer nations to help there, and in turn learn more about poverty relief.  Eventually, begin donation to a second poor community to work with the first one’s assistance, and so on.

Mental Health Care and Awareness Efforts: The stable helping the ill towards stability.

We’ll update our fans and followers when some of these goals have been achieved and whenever major restructurings of our savings plan occur.

First bulk order of books RECEIVED!!

I have been waiting for this day since I started writing!  Today, I got home from work and was greeted with a delivery that had arrived while I was away.  The package was from Lulu, the company that for now prints our books, and contained… drumroll please…

*10 copies of oPeration fiLL tHe worLd witH Positivity – A Rope (of Hope and Guidance)*

These copies are for sending out to high-level publications that conduct and publish book reviews.  We’re shooting to have at least one review from one of these publications by the time the book is released.  Of course, being a first publication from only an emerging author unsupported by major companies, we are aware that the odds are stacked against us receiving any reviews from such publications, but, for exposure, it’s worth the shot!

So we’re creating queries, getting our packages together, and sending out 9 of these 10 books by this coming Monday, with the one remaining copy being for us to enshrine and keep forever and ever.

And, as per PL4H Creations standards, 10 books equals 10 trees pledged by us, to plant somewhere in the world, to give back what we are taking by printing.

-Aaron J Kaplan

You can find the book for pre-sale here where you can make your $15 deposit.


International Day of Happiness

For this International Day of Happiness, I pose this question for you all to consider:

What can we do as a society in order to improve the happiness of every living being, rather than focusing on only ourselves and our own, individual happiness?

And how I would like to approach this question is by explaining our PL4H Creations motto and namesake, “Peace and Love for Happiness”.

The way to create happiness in an individual is for them to experience peace of mind and enough love shown to them- not romantic love, but, rather, simply compassion- and then for them to have the mindfulness to focus on their blessings, and for those blessings to last eternally.  In other words, we need peace and love forever before true, lasting happiness will manifest.  So, sure, the old adage holds true in terms of our “PL4H”, in that peace, love, and happiness come together as a bundle, but we take it one step further to describe the order of things in terms of how to achieve the most highly desired emotion, of happiness, for the rest of eternity.

So, we implore you to help spread peace and love as far as you can, today and all other days, in order for coming International Days of Happiness to be even more filled with happiness than we could ever imagine today being filled with.

Weddings and Marriage (Advice)

This past weekend, Aneela and I attended the wedding of a dear old friend of mine, and between the travel and the wedding itself, there was no time to work on blogging.  But I’m back for mostly daily posting!  And I’m back with a new post inspired by the wedding, itself, about marriage…

My wife and I are completely different people- different in almost every way, besides our love for each other, which itself is different from each others’ though of equal proportions.  Combined, our love makes for our union, which is a single embodiment made up of half of each of us.  The other half of us each is for ourselves to grow as individuals, and for our other relationships.  Our individual growth contributes to all relationships, as well.

This is how I like to think of our healthy marriage.  I believe that if we were to not analyze and constantly work things out with each other, therefore understanding exactly what we have together, we would be left up to the chance of the relationship potentially working, or not.  That is where I believe many relationships go wrong- many people consider their partners expendable, but once two people have committed to marriage, and especially when they are raising kids together, there should be very less capable of splitting them apart.  Things should not be left up to chance anymore, or the Universe, or any other force but the determination of the wedded couple, from the moment they have been wed.  And if both people are determined to succeed as a couple, healthily, there will be nothing but death itself to do them part, because true love always perseveres.

As of now, in our world, there are other forces tearing couples apart, or making a relationship one-sided and not worth persevering for.  One such force is the pseudo-force of violence.  Quirks such as bossiness and other immaturities can be worked with, but violence can not, and should not be tolerated in a romantic relationship.  No matter the other circumstances of the relationship (family ties, children, etc.), if a partner is violent, the other partner should leave.  Though I know it to not be such an easy decision as just up and leaving, the end result should always be that the abused partner leaves, sooner than later.

We are not always so in-tune with truth and understanding to be able to determine if we are being abused in any way- except for violent abuse (which includes forced sex- our body is our own, and if a partner physically forces us to have sex, that is the worst kind of violence).  If our partner hurts us physically without remorse, even once, we should always leave, as respectable people (and we are all respectable, so therefore should act as such).  Remorse is how we can tell if they hurt us on accident, like without realizing they would hurt us, or on purpose; if on purpose, we should leave as soon as we can.  Otherwise, in terms of other types of abuse, we can’t always tell if they are emotionally abusive on purpose, and therefore if it could be something we could do differently, or something they would change if we communicated it.  In such cases of potential emotional abuse, we can stand up for ourselves, because sometimes a partner is simply so damaged that they can’t function properly without help, sometimes doing things without realizing the implications, and we can be that help rather than another abandonment, though in such cases, it is undoubtedly difficult.  But in marriage, we take the good with the bad.  However, as soon as a painful blow is landed on purpose, regardless of if they claim it to be a mental lapse, that is when it is time to walk away and be a hard lesson for them to learn.  And never go back, or they will believe somewhere within themselves that it is acceptable to abuse.

A marriage is supposed to be a promise to love and cherish the partner forever, through lifetimes, eternally as long as one remembers their vows.  Some advice we gave the newlyweds this past weekend was to always communicate their feelings to each other, and to always remember the good times when things get rough.  These are two bits of advice that we, ourselves, constantly remind each other of in our deepest conversations, which we have often.  We are best friends, and I hope that the newly wedded couple we witnessed taking vows this past weekend will always be best friends, too.  And we hope that you, our followers and anyone reading this post, can take something from it for your own relationships.

Peace and Love for Happiness… PL4H

-Aaron J Kaplan

Teamwork makes everything easier, but for now…

PL4H Creations is, for now, a one man show.  I am the front man, correspondent, and Editor-in-Chief of all functions. However, it wouldn’t be nearly as professional if I were doing this all on my own.  Behind the scenes, my wife and co-founder, Aneela, is my “reality buffer”.  I come up with the initial plans and what needs to be done, and Aneela works with me every step of the way in order to make the plans realistic and most beneficial towards our end goal, and then I finalize and publish based on what we work out.  And this structure, without influence and pressure from all sides, is probably the best way to start up, considering it gives us the flexibility to structure the company how we want to, building a base for future employees and contributors to stand upon while they build.  We’re building a solid foundation and taking the time to do so, though it oftentimes proves tough to remain patient while everything comes together.

A long-term goal for PL4H Creations, however, is to be a huge operation of many likeminded individuals coming together to achieve success in all of our efforts.  As we foresee- and as proven by other companies come before us- with more workforce, more is possible.  Of course, that workforce has to be on the same page as far as the company mission, lest the company struggle and eventually fail.  And for this company, that is not an option… this company is needed in our world at such a time as we are in now, and, though we have “found” the company in the rough and are working to polish it, it really is for and by the people.  In other words, we need good teamwork in order to achieve our goals, and if all of our future employees and contributors can work together as determinedly and as well as me and Aneela have been able to thusfar, this company should take off exponentially and efficiently from here.

Follow our journey by following this blog, and check us out at our website.

-Aaron J Kaplan

Non-stop planning and brainstorming

As a citizen of a world plagued with huge problems, I have train tracks and roads running through my mind that are constantly being traveled by new thoughts- some bad, some good; some about the problems, some about solutions- and as founder of a company with huge goals to change the state of the world society for the better, I am waging a constant war to harness the thoughts running through my mind, for the greater good.  Once factoring in my daily functioning, survival, and other goals, I really am always engaged in a balancing act between new thoughts, goals, plans, and schemes, and the attainment of peace of mind and stillness in my dealings with the immediate world around me in terms of relationships and my daily correspondence.  Having such huge goals can be tricky when it comes to managing my mental health, but I have found the balance within it all, and that balance lies in the busyness itself.  I just have to stay busy planning, scheming, and acting towards the manifestation of the goals I have set for myself and for PL4H Creations- because the goals won’t seem to go away, and at this point, I would rather them not go away, now that I have realized the dire nature of the world situation in conjunction with the great power potential of my plans and their eventual manifestation.

But a better world won’t bring the end to my goal making, my planning, my scheming, or my action; a better world will only alter the nature of the train tracks and roads running through my mind; it will still be up to me to stay busy, remain calm, and work towards the maintenance of the bettered world and the maintenance of my mental stability.

The way I make sense of it all is on paper, or in computer files, and with patience.  The overall goals and plans have evolved over time, making more and more sense with each passing moment.  For a while, my goals were only somewhat potentially beneficial to the world, and that’s if they could have even been attained.  But I have built those goals into reasonably attainable ones that, if reached, can greatly alter the state of the world for the better.  If you’ve heard of “dreamboarding”, than you can understand how my plans have come to be where they are today- over time, the “dreamboard” that is my web of computer files and paper files has evolved, and, with it, my understanding of where I want to be and what I want to be doing.

PL4H Creations is about much more than simply publishing and promoting art for profit.  Follow along on our journey from now into the indefinite future and we will do our best to inspire you to live your best life of greatest benefit, and assist you on your path to achieving that life.  Follow this blog for many more posts, and check out our website while we’re on your mind!

-Aaron J Kaplan